Beaded Beads

Beaded Beads

  • Curizo is a little cube, made from 6 equal components, that are connected in the last row. The finished cube can easily be strung to a cord.

    12 pages with detailed illustrations and pictures.

    Beading level 2 (advanced)


  • Samarkand is a small, beaded bead in oriental style.

    12 pages with many drawings and and pictures.

    Level 2

    The pattern was written in 2010 and is available as download only.

  • This little pendant, that can easily be strung to asmall rope or a cord, is a nice project for beginners.

    7 pages with many drawings and images.

    Also suitable for beginners.

    Supplies: Round beads 8mm, Bicones 3 and 4mm, seed...

  • Little Max is back with completely new step by step drawings for the basic bead and many drawings for their variations. Included are three brand new beaded beads with different applications.

    37 pages with many drawings and...

  • This sparkling treasure consists of different beaded Element, connected in a flexible way. The slim rope in the neck part makes the wearing not only more comfortable, but also allows to loop the necklace a second time around the neck, if you...